Our friends and SmartPak donated over $20,000 worth of products to more than 30 equine rescue facilities across 18 states in 2024. Do you know an equine rescue that could use some assistance? Nominate them here.
“…our horses are not disposable. Older horses are not useless. Slaughter trucks are full of old friends who gave their all. The large rescues get visibility and support. The small, unseen heroes who strive to reward their horses for years of work can use our help, too.” (more…)
Meet Fern, the Mare Nobody Wanted. She was purchased at an auction for $10 by a known kill buyer. Fortunately, she was saved by someone who thought there might be another option for her. Here’s the next installment as we follow along on her rehabilitation journey. (more…)
Meet Fern, the Mare Nobody Wanted. She was purchased at an auction for $10 by a known kill buyer. Fortunately, she was saved by someone who thought there might be another option for her. We’ll be following along on her rehabilitation journey. (more…)
Candace Wade has long followed the legislation surrounding of Big Lick Tennessee Walking Horses and their fates once their show careers are over. Today she offers this interview with Horse Plus Humane Society founder Tawnee Preisner and her son Justin. (more…)
Regal has gained nearly 200 pounds, but he still has quite a ways to go. The good news? He now has a sponsor — Purina Feeds has donated to Regal’s rehabilitation. Here is how he’s doing. (more…)
“… my herd has been at full capacity for some time now. So a few days ago, when my cell phone rang, I was caught completely off-guard as I heard the voice of the sheriff’s animal control officer say, ‘There’s this horse . . .'” (more…)
Through teamwork, communication and the unifying goal of saving horses, a community of equine advocates worked together to rescue five Thoroughbreds in need. (more…)
Every Friday, Horse Nation teams up with Ovation Riding to spotlight an individual or organization doing good work in the horse world. Today, we recognize Janet Rose for her work in rehoming horses and mules.
“’You know, helping these five won’t do much about the big problem with killer pens.’ But what a difference she made for those that she rescued!” You don’t have to be a rescue to make a difference: Melissa Walker shares her story.
A life saved is a life saved — but the world of slaughter auctions and kill pen “bails” is complicated and often controversial. Esther Roberts outlines the problems and possible solutions.
In this continuing series, Esther Roberts helps walk readers through the process of saving a horse from slaughter sale, from adopting via a reputable rescue to purchasing from auction directly. Today, we’re looking at the auction and bidding process.
Horse auctions can be a great place to source well-bred and well-trained animals; some auctions may also be the last stop for horses before shipping to slaughter. Esther Roberts details what to look for.
In this new mini-series, Esther Roberts examines the various routes equestrians can take to rescue horses from the “slaughter pipeline.” In Part I, we’re talking rescue organizations.
Alerted by a news helicopter acting on a tip, law enforcement in Wicomico County, Maryland discovered at least 25 dead horses among 100 in poor condition on a rural property on Friday, March 16, 2018. (Some images in this article may be considered graphic.)
Identifying specific warning signs for an abuse or neglect situation is not always easy. Noelle Maxwell speaks with Friends of Ferdinand to provide this helpful guide for concerned horse lovers.