DeAnn Sloan

Spring Turnout Tips for Sugar-Sensitive Horses, by Kentucky Performance Products

Spring is here! Although the warmer temperatures may be welcome milestones for equestrians, spring grass can pose problems for sugar sensitive horses. Here are some tips for keeping those horses healthy while the grass is at its greenest. (more…)

Weekend Wellness, by Kentucky Performance Products: Is Sweet Itch Driving Your Horse Crazy?

Summer seasonal recurrent dermatitis (SSRD) or sweet itch, is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of the Culicoides midge (“no-see-ums”). These bothersome fellows are active from April through October. Here are some tips to help you offer your horse some relief. (more…)

Thursday Video: More Bridle-less Jumping

In the past we’ve shared videos of people competing their horses bridle-less. Usually, however, it’s due to a mishap on the course — the bridle somehow malfunctions and breaks or falls off, and the rider and horse amazingly complete their round. It makes all of us take a deep breath and think, “Whew!” But this one is a bit different. In this round at WEC in Ocala, FL, Brendan Wise completes a round on his horse Lyric in just a neck rope — and it’s freaking awesome! We should all aspire to ride this smoothly and with this level of connection.

Happy Thursday, Horse Nation. Go riding!