Video: Niiiiice Save

9 seconds of pure awesome.

Usually in the equestrian world when we say that someone had a nice save, we mean that they fought the powers of gravity and physics to remain in the saddle despite every force in the world working against them. In this case, however, the rider and horse did indeed part ways — but she never touched the ground. It’s trainer David Bustillos of Durango Farms in California that gets all the credit here:

(Note: must be logged in to Facebook to view.)

Hey man, nice save. And kudos to that rider for sticking on as long as she did, because that looked like no fun at all.

Go riding!

Best of Craigslist, Volume 44

In today’s edition: a serious price drop, a mare with her own rulebook and a work-wanted ad like none other.

Best of Craigslist (and Facebook, and equine advertising sites … we don’t discriminate) is a constant treasure trove of the fascinating, the bizarre and the tragically misspelled. We gather the best that the internet has to offer and package it up in one neat post for your reading enjoyment.

We’ll kick things off with this ad from Halle: “I honestly can’t decide if this one’s a joke or not … ”

Screenshot via Craigslist

Screenshot via Craigslist


We can’t tell either. What we do know, however, is that this is one serious price drop — grab that bargain while it’s hot, people! From Jill:

Screenshot via Facebook

Screenshot via Facebook


We do love ads with plenty of description, as well as an illustrative photo that shows us conformation. Like, you know, this one, from Halle:

Screenshot via Craigslist

Screenshot via Craigslist


Hey, this seller’s being plenty honest! From Jill:

Screenshot via Facebook

Screenshot via Facebook


This list of rules is pretty hysterical, but at the end of the day we have to admit that Princess Cam sounds like our kind of girl, and we hope she finds a good home. From Sara:

Screen shot via Craigslist

Screen shot via Craigslist

Cam is a 16hh, 10 year old Standardbred that is moody, has a flair for the dramatics and hates the term “Primadonna” as she prefers the title of “Princess Cam”.

Rules of Royalty & Things To Know:
1. Princess Cam expects her subjects to fawn over her every move, if she rolls in the dirt she expects to hear applause at the size of her dust cloud. If she graces you with her presence, give her a treat for her to enjoy while she gazes at you in disdain. Sour Skittles and flavored Oatmeal are her favorites.

2.If she asks to be groomed she ONLY allows her black and pink bedazzled princess brush to be used on her luxurious grulla coat. When it comes to her pedicures, she is a willing subject but if a peasant dares to handle her roughly she will remind them of their status with a judicious kick of frightening speed and power. Princess Cam will also fart in the face of those who waste her time with hoof picking as she believes her royal hooves stay naturally clean.

3.Princess Cam is gifted with natural athleticism and speed. She frequently shows her god given gifts by running from one end of the pasture to the other while breaking the sound barrier. If in a jovial mood she will perform airs above ground, especially in the presence of tiny birds that fly out unexpectedly.

4. Princess Cam is a big supporter of state parks and promoting conservation. Trail rides through the various local state parks are her favorite physical activity…second to fighting crime.

If your kingdom is currently in need of a bold ruler that will quell all opposition and potential barnyard uprisings, please text 8-six-five-765-four-3-three-six.


So you found enlightenment and the true path — we’re all about that, and we’re happy for you! But we’re not entirely sure what it has to do with your work-wanted ad … from Mandy:



Screenshots via Facebook

Screenshots via Facebook

And we’ll close out this week with a little Facebook humor — because we know we’ve enjoyed plenty of “thoroughbreads” in Best of Craigslist before. From Jill:

Screenshot via Facebook

Screenshot via Facebook

Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to [email protected]. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.

Thursday Video: Trail Obstacle Course is Smooth as Silk

Open the gate, walk the bridge, jump the sofa… Jump the SOFA?!

Watch Kelly Marks of Intelligent Horsemanship make short work of a TREC obstacle demo with her trusty partner, The Pie: (Note: must be logged into Facebook to view this video)

They make it look so easy!

TREC, also known as “Le TREC,” is a three-phase sport that tests the skills and confidence of horses and their handlers over various terrains and obstacles. Like extreme trail challenges and versatility ranch horse competitions, TREC (short for “Techniques de Rondonee Equestre de Competition”) participants are judged on the successful completion of obstacles, though part of what makes TREC unique among trail competitions is that riders also compete in two other phases of orienteering (planning and navigating their route) and controlling the paces (demonstrating the horses’ obedience in certain gaits in a designated area, similar to the dressage phase in eventing)

Riders and teams are not eliminated for failure to perform parts of the competition; they instead receive lower scores. This makes TREC a novice-friendly event that horses and riders of many levels can enjoy.

For more information on Kelly Marks and her work with internationally-renowned trainer and clinician Monty Roberts, visit the Intelligent Horsemanship website.

Go riding!