Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Slowing the Rush

“Sometimes pure joy & enthusiasm are possible causes of rushing, but often it is a lack of confidence that sends these horses forward faster… there are ways to figure it out, to slow down the feet, slow down the brain, & let the jumps come to you at a more reasonable rate.” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: 8 Tips for Getting the Correct Lead

“Despite the consistency of the shape and direction of the tracks in this country, American Thoroughbreds run on both leads …” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: My Current “Get Jumping” Setup

“The trick to working with both ‘cozy’ spaces and young, never-jumped-before Thoroughbreds is a combination of single fences and a small grid.” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Categories of Hot

“There’s the expectation that Thoroughbreds are ‘hot.’ OK, fine… kinda. The thing is, ‘hot’ gets us to one side of the ‘how fast do they move their feet’ spectrum. It doesn’t really tell us anything more than that.” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Confidence With Unpredictability

“The fear of getting hurt isn’t always something you can just get someone to kick on through, no matter how much you believe they and the horse can do what is being asked.”


Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Cheers to Thoroughbreds (and Being Less Broke)

“[G]o ride, remember why we choose to swing a leg over a 1200lb prey animal, and embrace the passion that makes all of us horse folks a tiny bit (or a damn lot bit) batty…” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: 10 Things Your Thoroughbred Wants for Christmas

“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, Only a hippopotamus will do…” Okay, your OTTB probably doesn’t want a hippopotamus for Christmas, but here are 10 other things it DOES want.

The NFR Experience: Cowboy Channel Cowboy Christmas

Marcella was on the ground at the WNFR in Las Vegas, Nevada. She enjoyed experiencing everything the massive event has to offer. Even though the event has wrapped up, she’s still giving us an inside look on all the event has to offer (and you can plan next year’s trip).


Horsing Around the World: Attending the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo

This year was the year I checked going to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo off my bucket list — and it did not disappoint. The NFR is a production. The events flow smoothly, everyone is dressed to the nines, and the talent is unmatched.


Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Winter & The Oregon Trail

“How can you be ready for something you are not familiar with? … I have explained my answer by likening it to the Oregon Trail game. Each option … carried consequences. Your family might get dysentery, or you might run out of money and have to figure out how not to die that day.” (more…)