SmartPak: New Year’s Resolution Equestrian Tag

Love tag videos? Here’s the latest from our friends at SmartPak!

From the SmartPak You Tube Channel:

Hey everyone! Happy 2015! Our newest tag is centered around riding New Year’s Resolutions and the riding goals that you’ve set for yourself last year, this year, and in the future!

The Questions:

1. What were your riding goals/New Year’s Resolutions from last year? Did you accomplish them?
2. What is your riding New Year’s Resolution for this year?
3. As a rider, what do you aspire to be? What are your ultimate goals?
4. Have you ever made any New Year’s Resolutions — riding-oriented or not — that were totally unrealistic?
5. Do you have any tips for sticking to and following through on your resolutions?

A couple SmartPakkers show us how it’s done:

But it’s no fun unless you join in and do your own video, so we want to hear what your riding resolutions and goals are. We can’t wait to see your video. All you have to do is make a video of yourself answering the questions above, and tag us in the comments so we can see what you say. If you’re not tagged, no big deal! We want everyone to join in the fun!

Remember to SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more tag videos, tack hauls, ROOTDs, “If horses were people,” and anything else we come up with.

Go SmartPak, and Go Riding!