Reader Photo Challenge: 10 Rescue Horses
Here are 10 reader-submitted rescue horses — and we just can’t get enough of them! (more…)
Kill Pen to Queen: The Shelby Story
Shelby’s “willingness to do anything I ever asked of her was her gift to me for the compassion I showed her by letting her be a horse and by appreciating her for what she was.”
Grace and Phillipe: A Draft Horse Love Story
Over the summer, we introduced you to Phillipe, a rescued Belgian who was underweight and spent. We’re pleased to be able to update you with the story of his — and his partner’s! — soft landing.
SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Did You Choose Your Horse or Did Your Horse Choose You?
In this excerpt from SmartPak’s blog, Riley O’Neal writes about waiting for each of her horses to choose her.
Skydog Sanctuary: Saving Mustangs & Advocating For Solutions
“We can save as many horses as we can save and then we’ll just be another full sanctuary. I think there are tons of solutions that don’t involve constant round-ups, gathers and holding pens,” said Clare Staples, founder of Skydog Sanctuary.
The Joy of New Homes for Auction Rescue Horses
As part of our continuing series on horse rescue, we take a look at adoption day — the day for which these horses and their caretakers have been waiting.
Standing Ovation by Ovation Riding: The Right Horse Initiative
The Right Horse Initiative has awarded $275,000 to Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue to expand their support of at-risk horses in Appalachia.
#TGIF, by Flexible Fit Equestrian: One Content Donkey
There’s not much that could make us happier than seeing a donkey THIS happy.
Celebration Day: Horse Rescue In-Take Event
There is much more to rescuing horses from auction/slaughter than many of us realize. Here is a eye-opening look of what happens on day one when it comes to rescuing horses responsibly. (more…)
159 Horses Seized From Texas Rescue in June, How Readers Can Help
In mid-June, 159 horses were rescued from an organization in Texas claiming to be a rescue. Cases like these are completely preventable. Here’s how you can help. (more…)
Meet Philippe and Dane: In-Take Day at Horse Plus Humane Society
In the second article in her series, Candace Wade looks at two more rescues: Philippe, a Belgian, and Dane, another ex-Big Lick Tennessee Walking Horse.
Standing Ovation by Ovation Riding: Freedom Reigns Ranch
Every Friday, Horse Nation teams up with Ovation Riding to spotlight an individual or organization doing good work in the horse world. Today, we recognize Freedom Reigns Ranch.
Standing Ovation by Ovation Riding: National Thoroughbred Welfare Organization
Every Friday, Horse Nation teams up with Ovation Riding to spotlight an individual or organization doing good work in the horse world. Today, we’re recognizing the National Thoroughbred Welfare Organization.
Standing Ovation by Ovation Riding: C.H.E.E.R.
Rescuing horses and educating owners.
2015 Best of HN #25: Do You Know Where Your Horses Are?
After a former Budweiser Clydesdale was rescued from New Holland, the question remains: can you ever truly know what happens after a horse is sold?

Photo via the Connecticut Draft Horse Rescue on Facebook.
His name is Duke, and once upon a time he enjoyed a stream of adoring visitors at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia. In those happier days, he was a Budweiser Clydesdale, cared for with the utmost attention and respect.
Then, he changed hands and ended up in the auction pen at New Holland, a place that induces a sinking of the heart when mentioned. Hundreds of pounds underweight, missing patches of hair, infested with mites and in need of years’ worth of love and attention, Duke was bailed from New Holland by the Connecticut Draft Horse Rescue.
According to the communication between the head of Clydesdale management at Anheuser Busch, the Connecticut Draft Horse Rescue confirmed that Duke was sold in 2009 with a contract including a right of first refusal. From there, the trail is hazy, but it’s evident that Duke fell into the wrong hands along the way.
Happily, Duke is doing much better and is enjoying life as he recovers from the neglect he experienced. The look in his eye is bright and kind, as if he still believes in the good life that can be provided by his human handlers.
For those wondering, Anheuser Busch has made donations towards the care of Duke — and did so before the identity of the gelding was confirmed. While we wish that these circumstances had been avoided, the fact is that many contracts are often broken, and Duke sadly suffered the consequences. However, we’d like to also thank Anheuser Busch for working with the CDHR and the care of Duke in his new home.
Fortunately for this particular situation, Duke was microchipped. It was the microchip that confirmed he was indeed a former Budweiser Clydesdale.
While microchipping your cat or dog may be common practice, many do not know that the chips are also available for horses. The chip can be implanted in a quick process that will place it in the horse’s nuchal ligament. Most of the microchips are guaranteed for life and are easily scanned if a solid identification were needed.
This service provides both peace of mind and protection for both yourself and your horses. We know there are too many shady people out there to count, and we’ve all heard horror stories about horses getting into the wrong hands and becoming “John Does” without a proper identification.
Don’t let this sort of situation happen to your horse. It’s far too easy for a contract to go unhonored or for a dishonest person to pull the wool over our eyes. As horse owners, we all need to do our due diligence if the need arises to sell or rehome our horses. Do your research, hold up your end of the bargain, and do everything you can to ensure your horse lives a safe and healthy life.
We’ve reached out to the Connecticut Draft Horse Rescue for an interview, so we will provide updates on Duke’s recovery process as they are made available. In the meantime, check out the CDHR Facebook page for more information on how you can help.
An Update on Ginny the Lionheart
Remember the mini we featured who needed a prosthetic leg? Look at her now!
Do You Know Where Your Horses Are?
After a former Budweiser Clydesdale was rescued from New Holland, the question remains: can you ever truly know what happens after a horse is sold?
A Winning Moment for an Amish Horse with a Rocky Past
At just 10 years old, Rocky’s life had already lived up to his name.
Shetland Pony Stallion Abandoned at Bus Stop
Left with few teeth, bad feet and no exact change at a bus stop in Britain, things didn’t look good for one very adorable pony. (more…)
Louisiana Horse Rescue: A story of hope
Risa Flamm brings us this update on last month’s rescue of 60 neglected horses from a Louisiana breeding farm. Forty-six of the horses are still under the organization’s care. (more…)