In the tradition ofBlack Beauty, Ellie tells her adventurous journey from a rejected outlaw to a beloved family horse. With sarcasm and humor, Ellie gives the reader an honest view of life as a horse in the modern world. Read an excerpt below.
The excerpt from Relaxation Exercises for Horses – A Guide to Soft, Supple, and Light, by Guillaume Henry, offers some key advice on getting your horse to relax and mobilize on the length and sides of its body. (more…)
This is an excerpt from Horses in Translation, Essential Lessons in Horse Speak: Learn to “Listen” and “Talk” in Their Language, by Sharon Wilsie. (more…)
In this excerpt from her book, An Excerpt from On the Hoof: Pacific to Atlantic—A 3,800-Mile Adventure, Jesse Alexander McNeil shares a close call on part of her trek through the desert.
In this excerpt from her new book Finding Your Superhorse, renowned trainer and clinician Lynn Palm shares her favorite exercise for improving your horse’s self-carriage and improving your own riding at the same time.
In this excerpt from his memoir of a traveling veterinarian Never Trust a Sneaky Pony, Dr. Madison Seamans shares the story of an Arabian with a mystery bellyache.
In this excerpt from her book Yoga for Riders, horsewoman and yoga teacher Cathy Woods explains what she feels is one of the most important, and under-acknowledged, characteristics of a good horse person. (more…)
In this excerpt from Essential Horse Speak, founder of Horse Speak® Sharon Wilsie explains how being able to know your own emotional state and trust your own nerves while tuning into your horse’s can give you a way to realize when a horse was getting “triggered…”
In this excerpt from his new book The Horse in Positive Tension, Movement Analysist Specialist and Physical Therapist Stefan Stammer shares the biomechanical reasons “stall rest” isn’t actually rest for the horse. (more…)
In this excerpt from his book The Sport Horse Problem Solver, former international eventer Eric Smiley gives us a simple breakdown of what straightness on horseback really is, and how to know if you’ve got it…or not.
In this excerpt from her book Dressage for the Not-So-Perfect Horse, FEI 5* dressage judge Janet Foy provides practical advice for dealing with three problems she often sees when riders are warming up their horses prior to schooling or competition.
In this excerpt from her book Riders of a Certain Age, journalist and horsewoman Fran Severn talks about what older horse lovers need to consider when making horses a part of their lives for the first time…or for the first time in a long time.
In this excerpt from Shoeing the Modern Horse by Steven Kraus, CJF, and Katie Navarra, the head of Farrier Services at Cornell University explains one of the ways things can go wrong when you hire a farrier, and what to watch for to keep your horse sound.
In this excerpt from the middle-grade novel Liberty Biscuit by Melanie Sue Bowles, 13-year-old Kip finally gets the horses she’s always wished for… in a way she never imagined.
In this excerpt from his new book The Horse Is My Teacher, horseman Van Hargis explains how we must be present and accountable for the contact we take on our horses’ mouths.
In this excerpt from master storyteller Mark Rashid’s new book For the Love of the Horse, he explores a concept that every rider and trainer strives for—and how it can make us lose track of reality. (more…)
In this excerpt from her new book Essential Horse Speak: Continuing the Conversation, Horse Speak founder Sharon Wilsie explains what we really mean by “feel” when it comes to our horses and how we can improve it in ourselves. (more…)
In this excerpt from her book Riders of a Certain Age, journalist and horsewoman Fran Severn explores the challenges we can face when our significant others don’t accept the significant role horses play in our lives. (more…)
In this excerpt from his memoir of being a horse-show dad, Chad Oldfather shares a moment of elation when his daughter’s Iowa-bred Quarter Horse won big. (more…)
In this excerpt from her new book The Athletic Equestrian, long-time collegiate coach Sally Batton gives us one of her cool teaching tools for improving our upper-body position in the saddle. (more…)
In this excerpt from The Ultimate Guide for Horses in Need, veterinarian Dr. Stacie Boswell gives us a basic guide for determining when a rescue or rehabilitation case is ready to have his work or training load increased, according to his health and body condition. (more…)
In this excerpt from The Gates to Brilliance, six-time Olympian and former technical advisor to the US Dressage Team Robert Dover dishes on an unusual drama that played out behind the scenes at one international competition. (more…)
“They’re gonna run. We don’t want ‘em to but they will. Especially with that gray leading the pack. They’ve been living the good life and they’re probably not gonna want to come in. We’re just gonna stay with ‘em so we don’t lose ‘em. If we lose ‘em we might not find ‘em again today and then this day’s work is all fer not.” (more…)