In the tradition of Black Beauty, Ellie tells her adventurous journey from a rejected outlaw to a beloved family →
In this excerpt from her book No Bored Horses, zookeeper, animal trainer, and horsewoman Amanda Goble explains how →
The excerpt from Relaxation Exercises for Horses – A Guide to Soft, Supple, and Light, by Guillaume Henry, →
This is an excerpt from Horses in Translation, Essential Lessons in Horse Speak: Learn to “Listen” and “Talk” →
In this excerpt from her book, An Excerpt from On the Hoof: Pacific to Atlantic—A 3,800-Mile Adventure, Jesse →
In this excerpt from her new book Finding Your Superhorse, renowned trainer and clinician Lynn Palm shares her →
In this excerpt from his memoir of a traveling veterinarian Never Trust a Sneaky Pony, Dr. Madison Seamans →
In this excerpt from her book Yoga for Riders, horsewoman and yoga teacher Cathy Woods explains what she →
In this excerpt from Essential Horse Speak, founder of Horse Speak® Sharon Wilsie explains how being able to →
In this excerpt from his new book The Horse in Positive Tension, Movement Analysist Specialist and Physical Therapist →
In this excerpt from his book The Sport Horse Problem Solver, former international eventer Eric Smiley gives us →
In this excerpt from her book Dressage for the Not-So-Perfect Horse, FEI 5* dressage judge Janet Foy provides →
In this excerpt from her book Riders of a Certain Age, journalist and horsewoman Fran Severn talks about →
In this excerpt from Shoeing the Modern Horse by Steven Kraus, CJF, and Katie Navarra, the head of →
Try this challenge to improve your horse’s maneuverability and your timing! →
In this excerpt from the middle-grade novel Liberty Biscuit by Melanie Sue Bowles, 13-year-old Kip finally gets the →
In this excerpt from his new book The Horse Is My Teacher, horseman Van Hargis explains how we →
In this excerpt from master storyteller Mark Rashid’s new book For the Love of the Horse, he explores →
In this excerpt from her new book Essential Horse Speak: Continuing the Conversation, Horse Speak founder Sharon Wilsie →
In this excerpt from her book Riders of a Certain Age, journalist and horsewoman Fran Severn explores the →
In this excerpt from his memoir of being a horse-show dad, Chad Oldfather shares a moment of elation →
In this excerpt from her new book The Athletic Equestrian, long-time collegiate coach Sally Batton gives us one of →
In this excerpt from The Ultimate Guide for Horses in Need, veterinarian Dr. Stacie Boswell gives us a →