Thursday Video: Side-By-Side Jump Off

A jump off is always exciting to watch, but this video shows an awesome side-by-side comparison of a jump off, highlighting the importance of stride and turns. Both these riders and horses have incredible skill and it’s amazing how close it ends up being.

Happy Thursday, Horse Nation. Play to your strengths and go riding!

Thursday Video: More Bridle-less Jumping

In the past we’ve shared videos of people competing their horses bridle-less. Usually, however, it’s due to a mishap on the course — the bridle somehow malfunctions and breaks or falls off, and the rider and horse amazingly complete their round. It makes all of us take a deep breath and think, “Whew!” But this one is a bit different. In this round at WEC in Ocala, FL, Brendan Wise completes a round on his horse Lyric in just a neck rope — and it’s freaking awesome! We should all aspire to ride this smoothly and with this level of connection.

Happy Thursday, Horse Nation. Go riding!