Weekend Wellness, by Kentucky Performance Products: Is Sweet Itch Driving Your Horse Crazy?

Summer seasonal recurrent dermatitis (SSRD) or sweet itch, is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of the Culicoides midge (“no-see-ums”). These bothersome fellows are active from April through October. Here are some tips to help you offer your horse some relief. (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Make It Predictable

“Each day, we change it up a bit … While I fully believe that keeping it interesting and challenging their brain is a huge plus, these smart but sometimes-anxious horses also need to know how to get the answer right.” (more…)

Weekend Wellness From Kentucky Performance Products: Feeding the Overweight Horse in Spring

Earlier this year we discussed healthy spring feeding tips for the underweight horse. Now it’s time to address how to feed the overweight horse when the grass starts to come in and there seems to be food to be had everywhere. (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Pain or Behavior?

“I imagine that, like people, there are no horses who feel no discomfort when asked to work. They will have sore joints, eventually tired muscles, sometimes a tweak of pain here or there. Sure. And for some, there will be acute pain.” (more…)

Managing Your Horse’s Bugs, by Kentucky Performance Products

Bugs? What bugs?

Horses are hindgut fermenters. In other words, the hindgut portion of your horse’s digestive tract contains millions of beneficial bacteria and yeast, often referred to as microbes or “bugs.” These bugs have the ability to break down otherwise indigestible fiber into digestible compounds through a process called symbiotic microbial fermentation. Both the horse and the bugs benefit from this process. By joining forces, the bugs and the horse have evolved to utilize the complex carbohydrates found in grass and hay as a source of energy.

Good and bad bugs

Your horse’s cecum and colon, which make up the hindgut, contain both good and bad bugs. Your goal is to maximize the number of good bugs, while limiting the bad ones. Having a large number of good bugs ensures a healthy gut, which can effectively digest fiber, absorb nutrients, and regulate fluids. The good bugs keep the bad bacteria in check so they can’t overwhelm and damage the delicate hindgut. A proliferation of bad bugs can lead to many problems, including colic, diarrhea, and laminitis.

It’s a balancing act

The bug population living in your horse’s gut is complex and easily disrupted. These bugs have evolved to convert a continual supply of moist grass into energy. Wild horses graze up to 17 hours a day, ingesting a variety of plants that slowly change in composition with the seasons.

The demands made on today’s horses often make it hard for us to mimic this natural state in our management programs. Confinement, high-energy demands, abrupt feed changes, shipping, illnesses, and other stressful situations can throw the delicately balanced system out of whack and make your horse sick.

Keeping the good bugs happy and healthy is one of the major challenges facing today’s horse owners.

Eight Easy Steps to Happy Bugs:

  • Provide an unlimited source of clean water at all times.
  • Feed a consistent diet and make all changes in concentrates, hay and supplements slowly — over a week to 10 days — to allow the bug population enough time to adapt to new compounds.
  • Feed high-quality fiber and offer it ad lib whenever possible.
  • Feed concentrates as small, frequent meals. Do not feed more than 4 pounds of concentrate per meal.
  • Maintain a consistent feeding schedule. Bugs become accustomed to “eating” at certain times of the day, so not feeding your horse on time can cause the beneficial bugs to die off. If too many bugs die off at once, the hindgut will become unbalanced.
  • Keep all feeds and supplements in a horse-proof container or feed room to avoid accidental overeating.
  • Never feed tainted or moldy concentrates, hay or supplements.
  • Supplement your horse with high-quality probiotics during times of stress or after antibiotic use. Probiotics can help repopulate the hindgut with “good” bugs.

About Kentucky Performance Products, LLC:

Choose Neigh-Lox® Advanced when digestive health is a top priority for your equine athlete.

Neigh-Lox Advanced provides a scientifically advanced blend of ingredients that work synergistically to maintain your horse’s digestive tract in peak condition by supporting both the gastrointestinal tissues and the beneficial bacteria that populate the gut. Maintaining a healthy digestive tract reduces the risk of colonic and gastric ulcers, colic, laminitis related to hindgut acidosis, and oxidative stress that damages digestive tract tissues themselves. Horses with a well-balanced GI tract have good appetites, absorb more nutrients from their diets, maintain a strong immune system, and stay healthier.

The horse that matters to you matters to us®. KPPusa.com

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: And The Dreaded Ulcers

We all know that horses get ulcers. The causes are wide and varied. There’s no silver bullet when it comes to eliminating ulcer triggers, but there are ways to effectively address them. Read on for more: (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Troubleshooting the Thoroughbred

“If you’re at an impasse, if you’re stuck… there are always other[s]… to talk to… Aim for folks who know and love Thoroughbreds and understand both the track and off track lives.” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Rider Balance and the Thoroughbred

“I spend an inordinate amount of my life thinking about what ‘works’ when riding and training Thoroughbreds … they all share keeping the rider effective but out of the way of the horse.” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Develop by Allowing

“Allowing them to sort it out and to have that support … creates a space for trust to start to knit itself together. They already know they can rely on themselves, but with regular rides of soft, confident ‘ask and allow,’ that genetic courage can bind into trust.” (more…)

Thoroughbred Logic, Presented by Kentucky Performance Products: Learning to Follow

“By not being in charge, I gained the perspective on how to follow — a little insight on how to horse in the game of riding. I learned that setting and maintaining rhythm meant being able to acknowledge and match the existing one.” (more…)