Spring Turnout Tips for Sugar-Sensitive Horses, by Kentucky Performance Products

Spring is here! Although the warmer temperatures may be welcome milestones for equestrians, spring grass can pose problems for sugar sensitive horses. Here are some tips for keeping those horses healthy while the grass is at its greenest.

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It is that time of the year—the cold, gray winter is transforming into a warm, sunny spring and the grass is starting to grow! For normal horses, the spring grass is a lovely change from hay, but for sugar-sensitive horses it is a dangerous time of year.

Things to know about spring grass

Sugar levels in the leaves of grasses increase dramatically during the spring growing season when days are sunny and warm, and the nights are cool.

Why? Because grass does not grow on cool nights (40° degrees or below), so high concentrations of sugar remain in the leaves instead of being used to fuel growth of stems and roots.

Warm Days (60° or above) + Cool Nights (40° or below) = High sugar levels in grass that can cause laminitis in sensitive horses.

Grazing Strategies

  • Stop grazing completely when days are warm and nights are cold (40° F or less).
  • Limit intake with a muzzle and graze early in the morning when days and nights are warm.
  • Stop grazing when grasses are under stress.
  • Utilize a dry lot for horses that can’t be turned out at all.
  • Overgrazing stresses grasses and increases sugar levels. Keep pastures between four to eight inches in height to reduce overgrazing stress.- Overgrazed 0-4 inches- Optimal 4-8 inches- Too tall 8+ inches

Supplements recommended for sugar-sensitive horses


A blend of polyphenols and amino acids that support normal metabolic function and healthy insulin levels. Ask your vet if InsulinWise is right for your horse.


Low-sugar, low-calorie vitamin and mineral pellet that fi­lls the nutrient gaps in a diet composed mostly of mature hay or hay cubes. Horses and ponies love Micro-Phase and you will too.

You can get a printable version of this infographic here.

About Kentucky Performance Products, LLC:

Challenge: Winter weight loss.

Solution: Equi-Jewel® high-fat rice bran.

Equi-Jewel® rice bran

Fight back against a winter energy crisis that can cause your horse to lose weight.

Equi-Jewel® is a high-fat, low-starch and -sugar formula developed to safely meet the energy needs of your horse.

Whether you have a hard keeper that needs extra calories to maintain his weight in cold weather, or a top performance horse that needs cool energy to perform at her peak, Equi-Jewel can meet your horse’s needs.

The fat found in rice bran is an extraordinary source of dietary energy. In fact, fat contains more than two times the energy that carbohydrates and proteins do, thereby fueling horses more efficiently. Fat is considered a “cool” feedstuff because it does not cause the hormone spikes that lead to excitability. Avoid a winter energy crisis in your hard keeper and start supplementing with Equi-Jewel today.

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