Chelsea Canedy offers tips on horsemanship, training, mental training for riders, jumping, flatwork and beyond. Today, she discusses mental consistency and its importance to our horses. (more…)
“Many teens do not have a realistic sense that we all are a work in progress. We’re all perpetual students — even the elite among us. Challenges, trial and error, mistakes, failures — they are all part of our ongoing development. ” (more…)
How equestrians cope with staying in the mental game of competing varies from rider to rider. In this week’s Best of Jumper Nation, Susan Glover examines how riders maintain their confidence going into the ring.
Callie King explores why it can be so difficult for people to change — even if that change means positive strides for them and their horses.
Getting a handle on the mental part of competing can be the hardest part of competition. Darby Bonomi, PhD, works with equestrians to help them develop a mental edge in her program, Conversations in the Barn Aisle.
The competitive equestrian knows how to set goals and dream big — but there are new rules of success that can’t be measured with scores, points or ribbons. Julie Saillant explains.
If a “winning waterline” is a place where we feel safe and comfortable, how do we raise that waterline to challenge ourselves and reach new goals? Contributor Julie Saillant provides three steps to raising one’s game.
Knowing all the technical details of riding is certainly a critical component towards being successful — but equally important is mindfulness. Equestrian life coach Julie Saillant has the details.
Contributor Julie Saillant understands the dark downward spiral that can mentally hobble an equestrian after injury — and has positive steps to take to mentality strengthen oneself to get back in the saddle.