Increasing Your Horse’s Appetite, by Kentucky Performance Products
Getting a picky eater to actually eat their food — let alone their supplements! — can be frustrating. Here’s a quick tip from our friends at Kentucky Performance Products to help you get your picky eater munching away.
It can be hard to get a picky eater to consume enough calories to maintain optimal condition. Digestive aids, such as probiotics and yeast cultures, keep the digestive system in balance, which helps to stimulate a horse’s appetite. A balanced digestive tract utilizes feedstuffs more efficiently, so the horse benefits more from the feed he or she is eating.
About Kentucky Performance Products, LLC:
Wish your horse was calmer?
Spooky, tense, edgy, unfocused. If these words describe your horse, a calming supplement could make training easier and riding more fun.
Trouble Free is scientifically formulated to support healthy nervous system function and help your horse maintain a more confident, focused, and relaxed disposition.
Trouble Free:
- Contains alpha-lactalbumin, a unique ingredient that supports normal nerve function and maintains calmness.
- Helps horses maintain a relaxed attitude and supports a positive experience for both horse and rider.
- Provides supplemental thiamine (B1), taurine, inositol, and magnesium.
The horse that matters to you matters to us®.
Have you grabbed your winter running horse stickers? Check them out at KPPusa.com/winter23.