Weekend Wellness: Mind Your Melon
Here’s Evention TV to help remind you to take care of your brain and wear a helmet!

Last week, in honor of International Helmet Awareness Day, we published two articles about wearing helmets (International Helmet Awareness Day: The Clothes Don’t Make the Cowgirl and Hats Off For Helmets: How One Major Crash Changed My Approach to Helmets). They were both anecdotal and focused on the personal, rather than the general. This week, however, we would like to take a stronger stance on helmets and remind you that how important it is to, well, mind your melon.
The Weekend Wellness column often focuses on the wellness of your horse, but — and for as much as we don’t like to admit this as equestrians — your wellness is just as important. Never mind that a helmet could save your life, you life as you know it or your lifestyle. We’ll speak in terms to which equestrians can relate. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) means no riding. At the very least, it means no riding until you’re cleared by a physician, but it can also mean no riding at all. Ever.
So, here to remind you of the importance of wearing a helmet are Dom and Jimmie Schramm from Evention TV. Dom and Jimmie are entertaining, they’re funny and they hit the nail on the proverbial, er, head.
Be safe, Horse Nation. Wear your helmets and go riding!
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