2020 Readers’ Choice Awards: ‘Oh Crap’ Moment of the Year
Monday is already the crappiest day of the week and every week we make it official by bringing you an “Oh Crap” moment. Now it’s time for you to choose which of these is the top “Oh Crap” of 2020.
At the end of each December, we at Horse Nation like to look back on the year that was and highlight the articles, essays and videos that most inspired readers, triggered important conversations or had everyone rolling on the floor with laughter — and then let readers decide which one is deserving of the title of the Best of the Year.
This is bound to be a fun one — because, of course, no one got hurt and everyone’s laughing, generally speaking. What’s the ultimate Oh Crap Moment of the Year?
The nominees are…
“Expectation vs. Reality — Beach Edition”
Originally published on August 3, 2020.
Oof! Falling off your horse is never a pleasant experience, but this video sheds new light on unplanned dismounts. This girl rolls, tumbles and flips in every direction through the coarse sand while her horse continues moving at a quick rate down the beach. We bet she was thinking, “Oh crap!”
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“Blowing Off A Little Steam”
Originally published on April 6, 2020.
Sometimes we all need to blow off a little steam. Especially after we’ve been cooped up for a while. Hopefully that venting doesn’t come from your horse… while you’re on horseback. In the case of Instagrammer miss_crazie_maisie, this is a regular occurrence. We commend her seat and know we’d be thinking, “Oh crap!”
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“I Don’t Wanna Work”
Originally published on January 13, 2020.
Here’s another from Instagrammer miss_crazie_maisie. There are times when you just need to let everyone know how you feel about leaving your warm, comfortable bed — or pasture, as the case may be — and being asked to work. This mare has no problem expressing her feelings, and we think we know exactly how she feels on cold January Monday morning.
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Originally published April 27, 2020.
Sometimes you head into the week confidently, looking ahead with promise. And sometimes Monday morning comes along and gives you a reality check.
This horse and its huge “nope” is that Monday morning.
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“Don’t Lose Your … Donkey”
Originally published on November 2, 2020.
So, picture this. You’re in the arena, getting ready to complete your course when out of nowhere a loose ass disrupts your line. Wait, what?
That’s exactly what happened in Spain over the weekend. No one knows how this donkey got into the ring, but he certainly did his part to keep things exciting. We bet the rider and ring steward were thinking “Oh crap.”
“Field Gallop”
Originally published on October 26, 2020.
If 2020 were a gallop across a field, we’re pretty sure this is what it would look like. You know, you’re just galloping along, trying to enjoy a nice hack and — BOOM. The pony says no. We’re pretty sure this rider was thinking “Oh crap” as she went down.
Which of these videos is your favorite? Let us know!