Thursday Video: Shetland Pony Grand National
It’s like a horse race… only miniature.
Horse racing is one of the most exciting sports to watch. From the call to post to the starting bell to the horses crossing the finish line, it’s packed full of excitement and the rush of adrenaline that comes from watching a really well run race is infectious. For as exhilarating as watching a good Thoroughbred or Quarter Horse race can be, the Shetland Pony Grand National is another race that shouldn’t be missed.
The charity race is run at Newmarket Racecourse and is part of Gold Season.
Cute though the race may be, these jockeys are skilled and they are serious about their sport. The jockeys are between nine and 14 years of age, and they must be under five feet tall. They pilot their steeds with a deftness that is impressive for their ages — at least we’re impressed.
Go riding!