I Spy Horses: The Baker Museum
During my adventures and travels I always take photos of the horse-related items I see along the way. Enjoy these photos of horse-related pieces spotted at The Baker Museum.
The Baker Museum is the largest fine art museum in southwest Florida. This museum hosts traveling exhibits and permanent collections of modern and contemporary art. Here are the items I found that related to horses:
All photos by Marcella Gruchalak
This exhibit is made by Deborah Butterfield. The horse is made of wood, wire, and straw. Butterfield began creating sculptures of horses in the 1970s. Her earlier pieces, such as this one titled Charlemagne, were known to be made of natural materials such as wood sticks, straw, and mud. However, all her newer pieces are produced with metal.
This is an oil painting on canvas by Ukrainian artist David Burliuk titled, Red Horse.
This is an oil painting on canvas by Ukrainian artist David Burliuk titled, Countryside.
This is a piece made with gold, silver, and stones by Israeli-American artist Ruven Perelman titled, The Coronation Coach.
This oil painting on canvas was created by Austrian artist, Oskar Kokoschka. It is titled, Pyramids at Gizeh. The painting depicts the famous Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx of Giza while horses and people move through the desert sands. Of an interesting note, this artist’s work was deemed “degenerate” by the Nazi regime and the artist ultimately made an escape to London.
This oil painting on canvas was created by Belgian artist, Rene Magritte. It is titled, The Ivory Tower. In this painting, you can see a horsewoman through the opening of a cave. This artist likes to portray the subjects in his paintings as the objects themselves and not symbols of anything else. The horse is quoted directly from an illustration in the Larousse Encyclopedia.
This oil painting on masonite panel was created by American artist, Walter Quirt. The painting is titled, Terrorization of the Poor thru Religion. Quirt’s artwork is said to be, “a visual feast.” Quirt saw art as a tool to advocate for causes including class equality and worker’s rights.
Find the horses around you and go riding, Horse Nation!
Have you spied horses in your adventures and travels (specifically horses that aren’t, you know, in a barn or pasture)? If so, send your photo/s with a brief explanation to [email protected] with the subject line “I Spy Horses.” You might see your photo featured in a future edition of I Spy. Remember, you need to own the rights to all photos you send, otherwise we can’t share them.