2024 Horse Nation Gallop Poll: Tell Us About Yourself!
“Gallop poll,” hahaha. Get it? Bad puns aside, it’s time for the smart, good-looking citizens of Horse Nation to stand up and be counted.
We want to make this the best online horse community ever, and the more we know about our readership, the better we can shape the site into exactly what YOU want it to be. Help us out by answering a few questions — it only takes a minute! This information will be kept anonymous and helps inform our content and marketing decisions. After all, Horse Nation is for YOU, the riders and readers who spend time with us each day.
The Gallop Poll will stay open through the end of the month and we appreciate your responses. This should take no more than about 10 minutes to complete, at most.
Last but not least, how can we improve your Horse Nation experience? Feel free to contribute your comments and suggestions using the survey below. All feedback is greatly appreciated!
Go riding.