Becoming an Equestrian Even If You’re Scared of Horses

Here are 10 tips for overcoming your fear of horses.

If you have always found the world of equestrianism fascinating but feel intimidated whenever you get close to horses, don’t worry; you can still become an equestrian despite your fear of them.

Equestrianism, or horseback riding, can be an incredibly rewarding and exciting hobby, whether you dread it or not. With the right approach and some helpful tips, you can take your first steps towards achieving your goals and becoming an accomplished rider.

We’ll provide 10 tips to help you get started in a short while. All you’ll need is a little determination and dedication, and you’ll build your confidence and become a successful horse rider. So, let’s get started!

1) Understand Your Fear of Horses

If you are scared of horses, you should understand why. It is the first step toward conquering your fear of them and becoming an accomplished equestrian.

What scares you about those gorgeous creatures? Is it their size, perceived unpredictability, or a past negative experience?

When you identify the root of your fear, you can face it head-on. You should take some time to reflect on your emotions. If necessary, consider seeking guidance from a professional, such as a therapist or counselor.

2) Find the Right Riding School and Instructor

After addressing the root of your fear, consider working with an instructor to help you. The right school and professional can significantly impact your journey. If you already know someone who can help you but forgot their contact information, there are many online resources you can turn to. Nuwber is one of them.

But don’t settle for just anyone. Look for a school with experienced instructors with a patient and understanding approach. Take the time to visit different places and observe their teaching styles. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and express your concerns.

3) Start with Groundwork Exercises

Start with groundwork exercises to build a foundation of trust and confidence with these majestic creatures. These exercises involve interacting with them from the ground, such as leading, grooming, and lunging. By starting on the ground, you can begin to understand their body language and bond with them.

Groundwork exercises also help you practice assertiveness and control; these can help boost your confidence when it’s time to get in the saddle. However, take it slow and steady, and remember that every small step you take with the groundwork will contribute to your growth.

4) Build Confidence with Lead Line Lessons

Building confidence with lead line lessons is a great way to ease into riding while still having a sense of control. In lead line lessons, an instructor or experienced rider leads the mount while you focus on getting comfortable in the saddle.

These lessons allow you to gradually build your confidence and trust in the steed, knowing that you have someone guiding you every step of the way. Leverage this supportive environment to develop your riding skills and conquer your fear. Each lesson will put you more at ease and ready to take on new challenges.

5) Move on to Walk/Trot Lessons

After getting comfortable and confident with lead line lessons, you can ease into walk/trot lessons. These will teach you how to independently control the mount’s speed and direction. But don’t let this scare you; your instructor will be by your side to guide you through different exercises and techniques to improve your balance and coordination.

It may feel a bit intimidating at first, but take it one step at a time. After a couple of practice sessions and perseverance, you’ll soon find yourself easily trotting around the arena.

6) Practice Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Practicing breathing and relaxation techniques can help you overcome your fear and become more confident. When you feel anxious or nervous around horses, take deep breaths to calm your mind and body.

You can focus on releasing tension with each exhale; envision yourself feeling relaxed and at ease. Try meditation or visualization exercises to reduce your anxiety. With time, you’ll get calmer and confident enough to enjoy the experience of riding and connect deeply with the equines.

7) Try Different Types of Riding

As you gain confidence in the saddle, it’s time to try different types of riding to expand your horsemanship skills further.

Trail riding allows you to explore the great outdoors while bonding with your steed and experiencing new terrain. Dressage, on the other hand, focuses on precision and harmony between horse and rider through different elegant movements.

8) Incorporate Natural Horsemanship Techniques

Natural horsemanship techniques can enhance your connection with steeds and build mutual trust and respect. Consider adding these techniques to your training routine:

  • Practice ground exercises that promote clear communication and establish boundaries.
  • Use body language and energy to communicate with your horse instead of relying solely on reins or other aids.
  • Develop a deep understanding of the horse’s behavior and psychology to better anticipate their needs and reactions.
  • Foster a partnership based on trust and cooperation rather than dominance or force.
  • Work with your horse without physical restraints.

These natural horsemanship techniques will deepen your bond with equines and make you a more intuitive and skilled rider.

9) Surround Yourself with Supportive Friends and Family

You need a strong support system to become a skilled rider. You don’t have to do it alone. Surround yourself with friends and family who understand your goals and can encourage you. Share your progress with them, and allow them to join your journey.

Their support and belief in your abilities will boost your confidence and help you overcome challenges. Having supportive friends and family around you will make your learning experience more fulfilling and enjoyable.

10) Challenge Yourself and Set Goals for Progression

After gaining confidence and mastering the basics, keep challenging yourself and setting goals for progression. Pushing your limits and stepping outside of your comfort zone will help you overcome your fear and grow and improve as an equestrian.

Set small, achievable goals that gradually turn into difficult ones, such as riding for long or learning new riding techniques. Celebrate your accomplishments, and never stop pushing yourself to reach new heights.

Your continual determination will help you go far as you strive to become the best rider you can be.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a horse rider requires overcoming the fear of these brave animals. To achieve this, you must build confidence in the saddle by understanding your fear, finding the right instructor and riding school, and taking small steps with groundwork and lead line lessons.

Incorporate breathing and relaxation techniques, explore different types of riding, and embrace natural horsemanship techniques to deepen your bond with equines. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, set goals, and continue challenging yourself.

Stay determined as you progress and gradually become more accomplished as an equestrian. But more importantly, enjoy every step of the process.