7 Pinterest-Inspired DIY Holiday Horse Crafts

Welp. It’s officially November. That means it’s time to start getting all your holiday decorations up and ready to go…

… At least according to Pinterest and that over-the-top neighbor who ALWAYS has all the holiday decorations up as of November 1st. (If you ARE that neighbor, kudos to you — I’m lucky if my tree is up by mid-December).

If you need a little help getting motivated, here are seven DIY horsey holiday crafts inspired by Pinterest.

Paper Tube Dala Horse

This one is relatively easy and kid friendly. Heck, I think I might even be able to manage it.

The Horse Head Wreath

Yes, here it is. The ever-popular horse head wreath. This is one of the most common crafts I see on my newsfeed. People much more talented than I love to make and sometimes sell them. More power to ya!

Wine Cork Horse Ornament

This might be a personal favorite. Mainly because there is wine. To be fair, my craft might just look like a pile of wine corks on the counter, but I tend to be more of a deconstructionist anyway. But for those of you who DO craft, this is a quick and easy one that the kids will like as well.

Hobby Horse Ornaments

Throw these on some candy canes and deck the boughs! These cute ornaments can double as treats and decorations.

The Horse Shoe Holiday Wreath

Heck, go walk your pasture and you’re halfway there! Or is that just me? Either way, here’s something you can do with all those thrown shoes. Maybe it’ll even bring you some luck.

Wooden Horse

Admittedly, this one might be will out of most of our reach, but if it’s not, get going! Talk about a cool thing to make with a ton of customization options.

Peppermint Ornaments

These are a great option because their purpose is two-fold. You can hang them on your tree and then give them do you horse once the holidays are over.

What are your favorite holiday horse crafts that you make from home? Let us know in the Facebook comments.