‘Oh Crap’ Monday: Trot up Gone Wrong
Well, that didn’t go as planned…
Monday already is the crappiest day of the week, so it only makes sense that we make things official. Here’s our latest “oh crap” moment.
Eventing Nation team member Tilly Berendt has a knack for capturing those moments that, for one reason or another, are worth having photo evidence (because it didn’t happen if it’s not on social media, right?). This certainly qualifies as one of those moments. Will Rawlin and Vinnie had a trot up that didn’t go exactly as planned. At least Vinnie was having a good time. Rawlin, however, might have been thinking “Oh crap!” (And perhaps a few other choice words.)
Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation.
Have an “Oh Crap” moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to [email protected]. Instagram users, tag your moments with #OhCrapMonday (your photos need to be set to public or we won’t see them!).