Mind Your Melon: AEC Helmet Cams
Cross country at the 2021 USEA American Eventing Championships via helmet cam — if you can’t be there in person, it might be the next best thing.
Last week, the 2021 USEA American Eventing Championships took place at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. You know what that means — awesome rides in dressage, stadium and, of course, everyone’s favorite, cross country. Fortunately, those of us who aren’t quite brave enough to try this discipline (ahem — raises hand) can at least experience it vicariously with the help of helmet cams.
Naturally, this helmet cam footage is brought to us by none other than Elisa Wallace. Bright blue skies and that signature green-green bluegrass … what a beautiful day at the Kentucky Horse Park!
Mind Your Melon videos showcase equestrians who have decided to protect their noggins by wearing a helmet. Do you have a Mind Your Melon submission to share? Send it to [email protected].