‘She Knew What She Was Doing:’ #WeRideTogether PSA
Young athletes, particularly those in elite sports, are more frequently sexually abused by coaches when they are competing at a higher level. There are several reasons for this. None of which are “she knew what she was doing.”
Trigger warning: This video contains discussions of sexual abuse and misconduct.
Young athletes, particularly those in elite sports, are more frequently sexually abused by coaches when they are competing at a higher level. There are several reasons for this. None of which are “she knew what she was doing.” The second PSA of the #WeRideTogether campaign has launched features Maggie Kehring, a survivor of abuse by world champion show jumper Rich Fellers, who has since been banned from the sport.
#WeRideTogether gives a voice to survivor stories, provides resources to report abuse and get help, and offers educational information for athletes, coaches and families. Sexual misconduct and abuse have long been an issue in equestrian sport, and is often ignored, minimized or wrongly blamed on the victim. The equestrian community is no longer sitting idly by.
The microsite will be updated on an ongoing basis to provide a safe place for survivors to share their experiences. It is intended as a true movement and cultural shift that demands increased accountability from trainers and coaches, gives survivors a safe platform for their voice, and helps diminish the stigma and fear of coming forward.
Visit WeRideTogether.Today to learn more.