Ecovet Presents Mind Your Melon: Mounted Archery

If you’ve ever wanted to try mounted shooting, now you can at least see what it looks like from the saddle (thanks, helmet cams!).

Mounted archery definitely on my bucket list of things to try. Granted, I would need to learn to, like, shoot a bow and arrow (something tells me that my sixth grade physical education class instruction isn’t going to cut it), but that’s just a minor detail.

Fortunately, until I get up the nerve to try it out in real life, there are equestrians like this, who let us live vicariously through them and their use of helmet cams. Check out this practice session — from beginning to end, we’re pretty impressed with this rider and the horses.

Happy Wednesday, Horse Nation. Don’t forget to mind your melon!

Mind Your Melon videos showcase equestrians who have decided to protect their noggins by wearing a helmet. Do you have a Mind Your Melon submission to share? Send it to [email protected].