Ecovet Presents Mind Your Melon: Ah, Summer!
Nothing says summer quite like tubing.
Unless it’s tubing behind a horse with a dog as a companion. We appreciate Instagrammer hedincarl‘s take on tubing. In this video, dressage horse Van Der Veen does a great job of stepping in as a boat for an enthusiastic inner tuber. We’re more jealous than we’d like to admit and are wondering when we can try a similar feat.
Happy summer, Horse Nation. Mind your melon and go riding!
Mind your melon videos showcase equestrians who have decided to protect their noggins by wearing a helmet. Do you have mind your melon submission to share? Send it to [email protected].
Ecovet fly spray creates a vapor barrier around your horse that confuses and overwhelms an insect’s normal directional ability. Thanks to this Ecovet barrier, the insect is unable to locate your horse as its next victim. Watch Ecovet in action: