Reader Photo Challenge: 8 Furry Foals
We’ve got foal fever, how about you?
It’s spring. And it’s foaling season. So we couldn’t resist a 24-hour photo challenge that asked our readers to show their furry, funny, fuzzy foals. Of course you didn’t disappoint. So here are eight foals that are sure to tug at your heart strings and give you a serious case of foal fever.

Falling in step. Photo by Rose Brownridge.

Photo by Meaghan Monahan.

Photo by Shellagh Woodard.

My kids love their baby Apple Sauce. You can probably guess who named her! Photo by Janessa Kabela.

My 2-year-old daughter and our month-old mini filly, Cashew. Photo by Jenna Stauder.

Baby Bambi in his new coat. Photo by Dana J. White.
Keep an eye out for next week’s 24-hour photo challenge! We announce challenge subjects on Monday around the end of the day on both Instagram and Facebook.
Go riding!