Something Lovely: “The Spot Movie”
Here’s something lovely to watch during quarantine. Take five minutes to watch “The Spot Movie.”
I contacted mega-artist, Sally Eckhoff, after reading her Opinion “These Horses Are Too Young to Die” in the New York Times. The piece targets the Thoroughbred horse racing industry. Our conversation was a pinball ricochet from art form to art form. Sally is an explosion of artistic expression. She writes, she paints, she creates video and she is a horse trainer. Eat your Wheaties and take a deep breath when you meet Sally.
I got permission from Sally to share “The Spot Movie.” I found it extraordinary because of the stripped-down artistry with which a gut-level story is expressed – one that would punch a horse “affection-ado” in the heart. We need a little Spot right now.
Check out the stills of Spot. Then look for Sally’s soon to be released book How Horses Get Their Names. I bought her previous book F*ck Art (Let’s Dance): An East Village Memoir. She bought my Horse Sluts: The Saga of Two Women on the Trail of Their Yeehaw. I’m still breathless from the rollercoaster of her story. She said my story was a “hilarious.” Join the mutual horse-gal admiration society by watching “The Spot Movie.”