Ecovet Presents Mind Your Melon: Fancy Foot Work
Watch this slow motion clip of a horse with amazing control of his feet!
This horse is showing off his fancy foot work over poles. To really get the full effect of what’s happening the video is in slow motion. This horse knows exactly where its feet are being placed in relation to the poles. Meanwhile some of us are at home still stumbling over items in our household that have been there for years. The horse’s floaty movement over each pole without as much as grazing one is impressive. This makes trotting over poles look easy!
Move those feet and go riding, Horse Nation!
Mind your melon videos showcase riders who have decided to protect their noggins by wearing a helmet. Do you have mind your melon submission to share? Send it to [email protected].
Ecovet fly spray creates a vapor barrier around your horse that confuses and overwhelms an insect’s normal directional ability. Thanks to this Ecovet barrier, the insect is unable to locate your horse as its next victim. Watch Ecovet in action: