Standing Ovation by Ovation Riding: USA Equestrian Trust
Every week Horse Nation teams up with Ovation Riding to recognize those doing good in the horse world. This week we recognize the USA Equestrian trust, which has granted more than $100,000 to equine non-profits.
On March 3, 202o, USA Equestrian Trust® announced it has awarded more than $100,000 in grants to help fund equine-focused projects by more than a dozen non-profits. The organizations receiving funding all submitted applications as part of the Trust’s 2019 application period. Since the inception of its grants program, the Trust has awarded more than $2.2 million in grants.
The Trust is also pleased to announce it is now accepting proposals from IRS-registered equine non-profit organizations for its 2020 grants program. To submit an application, visit trusthorses.org and complete the online form. Any organization applying must submit copies of its IRS non-profit determination letter and most recent Form 990, as well as a proposed budget for its project. The deadline to submit applications for the foundation’s 2020 grants program is 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, April 22.
The Trust’s financial support has been dedicated largely but not exclusively for initiatives that are productive across several national-level discipline and/or breed boundaries. The Trust welcomes applications for need-based projects and encourages applicants to detail those in their applications.
Among the projects funded as part of the 2019 grants program were:
- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF EQUINE PRACTITIONERS FOUNDATION ($5,000) to support the Equine Disease Communication Center, which alerts the industry to outbreaks of disease in an effort to prevent their spread. The Center also serves as an educational resource on infectious diseases affecting horses.
- GOODTOKNOW HORSES ($10,000) to support a series of educational clinics. The organization’s Super September Educational Clinics offer attendees the opportunity to study and learn from equestrian leaders in a variety of disciplines. The grant also supports a horse handling and safety clinic for first responders.
- MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AT GULFPORT FOUNDATION ($3,266) to provide helmets, as well as safety education, to young riders.
- MIDWAY UNIVERSITY ($3,600) to support the purchase of a pulsed electromagnetic field machine for its equine health and rehabilitation degree program. Students will be trained on the cutting-edge equipment, which is used in injury recovery, inflammation reduction and to reduce the risk of performance injuries.
- RETIRED RACEHORSE PROJECT ($5,000) to support the organization’s Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium. This Thoroughbred retraining competition held at the Kentucky Horse Park includes educational clinics, demonstrations and seminars.
- SACRAMENTO AREA HUNTER JUMPER ASSOCIATION ($5,000) to offer a free training clinic to its members, who are entry-level exhibitors and low-budget owners.
- SILICON VALLEY VAULTING CLUB ($5,000) to support a two-day educational clinic with individual and private group instruction on the first day followed by group clinics on the second day.
- SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY ($5,875) to fund a study evaluating hay feeder systems. Aiming to reduce hay waste, the study will evaluate which system is most cost-effective and best preserves hay quality.
- UNITED STATES EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION ($40,000) in support of the 2019 U.S. Saddle Seat Young Riders Team.
- VERMONT HORSE COUNCIL ($3,000) to support a two-phase study of the equine industry’s economic impact in the New England state.
- WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW ASSOCIATION ($5,465) to support the Washington International Horse Show’s annual Kids’ Day programming, which has educated more than 10,000 children and their families in the nation’s capital about the powerful bond between human and horse.
- WORLD PARA REINING ($5,000) to support a para-reining competition, which will also include educational clinics to raise awareness of para-equestrian sport.
If you have any questions about applying, please e-mail [email protected].
About USA Equestrian Trust
USA Equestrian Trust’s mission is to assist in preserving and/or enhancing the quality of equestrian sport in the United States of America. Its objects and purposes are exclusively charitable, educational and dedicated to the fostering of equestrian sports. The Trust is a private foundation pursuant to the United States Internal Revenue Code.
Many thanks thanks to Ovation Riding for their support of both Horse Nation and individuals and organizations that are doing good work in the horse world. If you know someone who deserves a Standing Ovation, we would love to recognize them in a future post. Email the name of the person or organization along with a message about the good work they do to [email protected]. Photos/videos are always welcome, and include a link to their website if applicable.