SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Ask the Vet, February Edition
It’s back! That’s right, another Ask the Vet episode. Find out the answers to your questions on blanketing, sanitizing your stall at show grounds, horse sleep habits, keeping your horse healthy, composting manure and so much more!
Every month SmartPak addresses medical questions posed by fans. The topics range from nutrition to hoof care to equine behavior and more. This month, SmartPaker Dan and SmartPak staff veterinarian, Dr. Lydia Gray, address the following questions:
1. I compete often, which requires my horse to stable at a show ground facility for several days. What is your recommendation on preparing a stall in terms of sanitizing before you allow your horse to enter the stall? I don’t want to use harsh spray chemicals that may irritate their respiratory system.
2. What is the most important and helpful thing to keep your horse healthy (other than the obvious food, water and shelter)? Ex. Picking hooves, vaccinations, deworming, or grooming.
3. Horse sleep habits! Are there any unusual patterns that should cause concern, like not laying down enough, sleep position (my pony lays on her back sometimes — never seen that before!)? And what you can do to help encourage better sleep habits?
4. Does blanketing impede winter coat growth?
5. What is the best way to compost manure? Things that can and can’t go in a manure pile, average time, best bedding conducive to composting.
If you’re interested in learning more about the topics mentioned in the video, you can read or watch videos about them using the following resources:
- Ask the Vet individual topics playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…
- Ask the Vet blogs: http://blog.smartpakequine.com/catego…
- Horse Health Library Videos: http://pak.horse/HHLvids
- Ask the Vet form: http://pak.horse/2gkBThy
- University safety study on the effects of turmeric and devil’s claw on horse stomach health: https://blog.smartpakequine.com/2020/…
- Ask the Vet – Disinfecting barn items: https://youtu.be/O5sJ-vuwYww
- Biosecurity Toolkit for Equine Events: https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/ahfss/Animal_…
- How to take equine vital signs: https://youtu.be/aTSrlqNP2mY
- Ask the Vet – What to track in your horse’s journal: https://youtu.be/MK49KeC_XUg
- Ask the Vet – Sleep deprivation in horses: https://youtu.be/yZhHC9d4ugs
Go SmartPak and Go Riding!