12 #EquestrianProblems According to Twitter… and Instagram
Because brevity will always be the soul of wit.
As I waddled through the muddy water logged fields to deliver the hay… I repeatedly chanted, I love my horse, I love my horse. #equestrianproblems
— Jasmine Goodwin (@JasmineWhitney) January 12, 2020
You may be wealthy looking because you wear Patagonia and stuff, but my riding shirt cost twice as much as that 1 sweatshirt and I have 10 riding shirts so.. #equestrianproblems
— tdawg (@tdawg07016388) January 14, 2020
Online horse tack stores are pure evil. Kids will eat macaroni for the rest of the month now. 🤣😅 #equestrianproblems
— Sille (@ladysille) January 18, 2020
#equestrianproblems especially since I'm considering dropping almost 2 grand on a new dressage saddle 😖 pic.twitter.com/Oe4yJDdzZV
— Emily Wolf (@Emily_Equestria) January 21, 2020
Just found out @DoverSaddleryUS is coming to #Buffalo and I’m freaking out! There goes the paycheck 🤣 #equestrianproblems 🐎
— Susan Gawley (@SusanGawley) January 22, 2020
Today @Jeopardy had the players complete the “hell hath no fury” phrase and instead of saying a woman’s scorn I said chestnut mare. #equestrianproblems
— Ilana (@prayifitsapony) January 24, 2020
Or "Once more" or "one more time". #lies #morelike10moretimes #equestrianproblems #riding #ridinginstructors pic.twitter.com/DHbcsmxkWE
— Emily Wolf (@Emily_Equestria) January 28, 2020
Someone better inspect our indoor ring for ghosts. Dumb dumb spooked and took off three times at literally nothing in last night’s lesson 🙄🤣 #thoroughbreds #equestrianproblems pic.twitter.com/QVcY03ud5N
— Jenna (@JennaInclema) January 29, 2020
Oh yes, we’ve all been there. Got a funny tweet to share? Follow us at @horse_nation!