Standing Ovation by Ovation Riding: Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch
Every Friday, Horse Nation teams up with Ovation Riding to spotlight individuals or organizations doing good work in the horse world. Today we recognize the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch.

Photo courtesy of Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch
The Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch is a 501(c)3 non-profit animal sanctuary in Murchison, Texas. It is home to over 43 different species of animals, but what Horse Nation readers may want to know is that they care for over 450 equines.
The sanctuary originally was established as a refuge for wild Grand Canyon burros slated for extermination. However, they now take in all types of equines. Many of the horses at the ranch have been rescued from near-death situations. Others have been seized from hoarding and cruelty situations. Some have even been picked up by law enforcement as strays.
Today, horses and burros together make up more than half of the animals living on this 1,400-plus acre sanctuary. With over 1,000 acres to roam, the equines are able to live a natural and carefree existence with daily observation and care from the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch staff and veterinary teams.
This year, Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch is happy to announce that it will be participating in GivingTuesday, a global day of giving. According to GivingTuesday.org, “GivingTuesday started as a day for anyone, anywhere to give, and it’s grown into the biggest giving movement in the world.”
The funds raised for the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch this GivingTuesday will help them to continue to provide high quality care including quality feeds, veterinary care, husbandry, environmental improvements (i.e. fencing and shelters) and dynamic enrichment for the horses in their care. By doing so, we will be better able to satisfy their physical, social and psychological needs.
So, this GivingTuesday, you may want to consider earning your own standing ovation and donating to the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch.
Go Ovation Riding, go GivingTuesday and, as always, go riding!
Many thanks thanks to Ovation Riding for their support of both Horse Nation and individuals and organizations that are doing good work in the horse world. If you know someone who deserves a Standing Ovation, we would love to recognize them in a future post.Email the name of the person or organization along with a message about the good work they do to [email protected]. Photos/videos are always welcome, and include a link to their website if applicable.