#TGIF, by Flexible Fit Equestrian: Dreaming Foal
If you’ve ever wondered what horses dream about, this will only make you wonder even more… and bring a smile to your face.
What do horses dream about? Big flakes of green alfalfa? The sound of peppermints being unwrapped? Rolling in the mud after a bath? Likely we’ll never know, but whatever it is, it’s clear this foal is enjoying its dream.
Be sure to turn on your sound!
May your nights be filled with dreams as wondrous as this and you weekend be as relaxed as this foal clearly is. Happy Friday, Horse Nation!
Have a #TGIF moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is happening to [email protected].
Go Flexible Fit Equestrian and go riding!
Flexible Fit Equestrian: Redefining Comfort & Quality at an Affordable Price. Learn more at https://www.ffequestrian.com.au.