Best of JN: Making Memories at the T.I.P. Championships
This week, in conjunction with Kentucky Performance Products, Jumper Nation takes a look at the T.I.P Championships.
The Thoroughbred Incentive Program (often called the T.I.P.) was created with the hopes of encouraging competitors to retrain retired racehorses for new disciplines. Since their first recognized T.I.P. event in 2012, there have been more than 4,000 horse shows and events offered with T.I.P. classes or awards. One of the biggest accolades the T.I.P. offers is the opportunity to qualify for and compete at the T.I.P. Championships.
The 2019 T.I.P. Championships were held last week on the beautiful grounds of the Kentucky Horse Park and offered championship divisions for hunters, jumpers, english pleasure, dressage, western dressage and western pleasure. To qualify, horses must have met T.I.P. eligibility and have participated in a show offering T.I.P. high point awards, classes or divisions prior to a cut-off date.
Each eligible horse has the opportunity to qualify for one Championship Division and show off what they are made of at this top-notch event! The 2019 Championships were a huge success, with many beautiful stories of retired racehorses succeeding in their new careers. We teamed up with Kentucky Performance Products to bring you some of our favorite memories shared on Instagram from all disciplines of this event!
Go Jumping!
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