KY Performance Products Classic #OhCrapMonday
Monday is already the crappiest day of the week, so it only makes sense that we make things official: here’s a classic “oh crap” moment from the HN archives of 2017.
Kelsey Mulder: “I was riding a friend’s horse in a show. He spooked at our next jump, straight into the bottom of a jump MUCH bigger than I was comfortable with. Bless him, he decided to give it a go.”
Video by Caroline Saunders.
Well-rode, Kelsey! “Oh Crap” indeed.
Have an “Oh Crap” moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to [email protected]! Instagram users, tag your moments with #OhCrapMonday (your photos need to be set to public or we won’t see them!)
Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation. Go Riding!
About Kentucky Performance Products, LLC: Are you managing a horse with EPM, Lyme disease or some other neurological disorder? Do you have performance horses that seem unwilling to engage and are muscle-sore after work? Are you treating a horse or foal that is deficient in vitamin E and need to get their levels up fast?
Ask your vet if Elevate® W.S. can help.
The unique formula of Elevate W.S. is the most bioavailable source of natural vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) on the market today. Developed to increase circulating blood levels quickly (within 3 days), it has become the product of choice for veterinarians managing horses and foals with neurological and muscular disorders, low vitamin E levels, compromised immune response, or poor fertility rates.
- The natural vitamin E in Elevate W.S. has undergone state-of-the-art processing that converts it to a water-soluble molecule, which is absorbed more efficiently. When administered, Elevate W.S. will quickly increase circulating blood levels of vitamin E.
- Elevate W.S. vitamin E is readily available and effective in crossing the blood-brain barrier, which makes it helpful in the management of neurologically challenged horses.
For more information, visit KPPvet.com or call 859-873-2974.
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