Friday Quiz: Which Stereotypical High School Trope Is Your Horse?
Because you know you’ve already done this in your head… right? Contributor DeAnn Long Sloan has the quiz for you.
Look, we know we all do this. We sort our horses into Hogwarts houses; we sort out horses into Westerosi houses a la Game of Thrones. Why not figure out what stereotypical high school trope your horse would be? Happy Friday.
About DeAnn Long Sloan: DeAnn is a former English teacher who has been searching for a way to channel her love and judgement of all things literary into her passion for horses. DeAnn rode casually throughout her childhood and adolescence, but did not ride with any regularity or own her own her own horse until well into adulthood. Since jumping into horse ownership, she has tried to immerse herself in the equestrian world as much as possible. She is a certified equine massage therapist and is a page promoter for OTTB Western.
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