New Year’s Appreciations
Resolutions are the way of the past. Appreciation is the way of the future!
Why make a New Year’s resolution that you know you’ll break by mid-March? This year, resolutions are out — and appreciation and gratitude are in!
I will appreciate a hard to catch horse or mule because I will get a workout at the same time. My heart will stay healthy and my legs will stay slim.
I will appreciate a horse or mule that pulls back when tied. It will be the closest I will ever get to be in the NFR calf roping completion.
I will appreciate when my horse or mule goes lame, because the jigging will end. If he stays sound and continues to jig, I will consider myself lucky to own a Grand Prix dressage prospect for such a cheap price.
I will appreciate every time I get bucked off to remind me how much more comfortable my old saddle feels to sit in than not.
I will appreciate getting kicked by my horse or mule in the leg, because it could have been my head.
I will appreciate feeding the horses hay, even if it gets all over my hair and clothes. Hay is much easier and cleaner to feed than jello, which I would have to feed if I worked in a prison.
I will appreciate my truck that gets negative 10 mpg, because since I have the money to pay for fuel (even if that’s all I can afford) it means I don’t have to pull my horse trailer with my bike.
I will appreciate the winter weather that doesn’t get above freezing for two weeks straight, because if I don’t lose a horse to impaction colic, I will consider myself an expert veterinarian.
Embrace gratitude. Go riding!
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