SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: If Horses Were People, Broodmare Edition Part 2
SmartPak’s best-loved series of entertaining videos marches on with “If Horses Were People: Broodmare Edition, Part 2.” If you’ve ever worked with a broodmare, you’ll find plenty to make you laugh here….
We’re still maintaining that SmartPaker Sarah chose the most creative way to announce her pregnancy ever via “If Horses Were People: Broodmare Edition” that debuted a few weeks ago. We did know the creative team at SmartPak really put their all into their videos, but this is really taking it next-level!
The team is back in Part 2: if you’ve ever worked at a breeding farm or bred a personal horse, this video will be all too real as the Sarahs act out scenes from the broodmare life.
Well, we all know we’ve imagined what life was like if horses were people. And now we know what it would be like if your best friend was a broodmare. That item can now be checked off the list.
Go riding!
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