Best of Craigslist, Volume 47
Your favorite cringe-worthy ads, rounded up for your reading … well, “pleasure” might not be the right word but you get the idea.
Best of Craigslist (and Facebook, and equine advertising sites … we don’t discriminate) is a constant treasure trove of the fascinating, the bizarre and the tragically misspelled. We gather the best (and worst) that the internet has to offer and package it up in one neat post for your reading enjoyment.
While it’s fun to giggle at classically atrocious spelling and ridiculous photos, we also remind readers that sometimes Best of Craigslist can lead to fairytale endings as well — where we can, we try to link to the original ad so interested readers can contact the seller.
We’re going to dive right in head-first this week with this cringer from Diana: if the description isn’t enough to have you edging away from the computer nervously, the photos certainly should be.
Buck’s Horse Co. is offering for sale a 12 yo AQHA grey gelding $2500 trade-ins ok. We purchased this horse from a man in Lubbock, Texas. This man with his left hand on the good book, and his right hand raised told us he paid $4500 for this horse. The man said he was the best horse he had ever owned. He also said the reason he had to sell him was because he had a new job in California and had to be there in 3 days. I believe he was telling me the truth. I don’t know what this horse is worth, but I do know he is a good horse. I paid a lot less than $4500 for him, and I have no idea what he is worth, but I want $2500 for him. Thank you Buck’ Barnes
Halle sent us this next ad, and we went back and forth on email for awhile trying to figure out if “Mexican Quarter Horse” was a euphemism for something totally different or a Craigslist joke. (We never really figured it out.)
This ad also comes from Halle, who points out that while this seems like a nice horse and there are lots of good reasons to bang off a forelock, there’s no way around the fact that this poor horse looks totally ridiculous.
18 year old mare rides,ties,loads,and farrier friendly. will go where you point her head, has been ridden in road,trail,crosses creeks and ponds. Asking 500.00 or best reasonable offer.
Autocorrect and spell check team up to destroy another perfectly nice horse-for-sale ad, from Brittany: listed in the Cow Ponies For Sale (Under $10,000) group.
We hope that this guy does find a nice soft landing — in the meantime, we have to cringe at this type. From Jo Beth:
Free to good home older horse very genital.
And we’ll close out this week’s Best of Craigslist collection with this little gem from Angel: “Everyone needs a tiny horse!”
Hello, I have too quarter horses one mare five years old she’s about 15 inches tall she’s half broke she has no Coggins test but will get one if interested asking $700.
Second one is a three-year-old gelding Quarter horse which is her colt he is about 14 inches he’s copper and color asking $600 for him no Coggins test but will get one if interested.
Call Rocky
Readers, if you run across an “interesting” ad in your Internet wanderings, send it our way! Email the link to [email protected]. Who knows – maybe you’ll help connect a horse with a safe, loving home. Go Riding.
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