11 Horse Mailboxes (For The Truly Obsessed)
In case all the SmartPak catalogs didn’t tip off the mailman yet …
Because there’s mailboxes … and then there’s mailboxes for the horse-obsessed:
1. Hopefully the mail loads better than your horse does:
2. For the Appy lovers of Horse Nation:
3. This one should make your favorite animal abundantly clear to the mailman:
4. I have an urge to go hunt a buffalo …
5. Look at those knees! (Until you open the box, anyway.)
6. Hauling your mail in remarkably detailed style! (It even has an AC unit!)
7. Call the vet, the horse is high-centered on the wagon wheel again.
8. Mailman, may we ass … k you a question?
9. A beautiful palomino for just $165? Bargain!
10. Paint and pinto lovers, this one’s for you:
11. Look at those beautiful natural gaits! No soring required.
Have your own horse-themed mailbox? We want to see it! Share your photos in the comments.
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Go riding!
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