Eventing Nation: Show EN your ink — reader submissions
Sally Spickard has been hard at work curating an online gallery of horsey reader tattoos. Here’s her latest batch of submissions.
From Sally:
We recently asked you to send in your horse-inspired tattoos, and the response has been overwhelming. We will be posting your photos in several reader submission posts over the next few weeks. Would you like to show off your ink? Send a photo to [email protected].
We are back with even more equine inspired ink to show you, courtesy of our wonderful readers. The amount of artistry and personal meaning that your tattoos have is touching, and we are proud to show them off to all of Eventing Nation.
Photo from Alyson Waring.
Alyson Waring sent us a photo of her “Equus” tattoo, which she got when she found out she had been accepted into veterinary school. “I figured even if I never touched another horse for the rest of my life (highly unlikely!), I never would have have gotten to where I am without a lifetime of horsemanship teaching me responsibility and hard work.”
Photo from Lisa Douglas.
All the way from South Africa, reader Lisa Douglas showed us her tattoo inspired by her two horses’ names, Global Energy and Altamiras Symphony.
Emily Pestl-Dimmitt and her horse, Arlington.
Emily Pestl-Dimmitt sent in the above photo and the story behind it: “A lot of people have said to me, ‘but you’ll have many other horses in your lifetime.’ All I can say is, not all will be quite like this guy. We’ve accomplished so much together, and along the way, he’s definitely become my best friend. I may ride many other horses, but this horse will always be my first Intermediate/Advanced horse, and to me, that’s a big enough deal. For me, tattoos are there to tell a story, and this cool guy is where the most exciting part of my story begins.”
Photo from Jaclyn Grant.
Our final reader submission for the day comes from Jaclyn Grant. Wondering why her tattoo involves a horse and a lion? “This is my lion and horse forever connected by their manes! My sister and mom came with me and we all got the same tattoo since all three of us are Leo’s and love horses. It also represents a quote by a French instructor I trained with about my chestnut horse (a creature you cannot force to do anything but will do anything for you once their is mutual trust): ‘He is a Lion, he is trying to kill me, he is trying to kill you!’ So that being said I know my horse is a Lion, but he is not the killing type, just the fighting for respect and trust type. The kind of horse that gets upset when he doesn’t understand but is brilliant when he does get it. Anyway, I love my lion, and I love EN!”
Stay tuned for the next installment of Show EN Your Ink. Many thanks to all of our readers for sharing their photos with us!
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