Weekend Report from Kentucky Performance Products
What’s the story behind your horse’s name? That’s the question Kentucky Performance Products asked its Facebook fans, and the responses they got were amazing!
The best naming story wins a KPP gift pack that includes set of KPP cold/hot packs and tack towels. Who do you think should win? Here are a few are our favorite entries:
From Rebecca Fiedel: This is “Impulsive Decision.” She’s an 18 year old QH Mare who I love with all my heart. She was given her name because her previous owner bought her when her dam was still in foal with her. They bought her on the guarantee that she’d be a palomino, hence their impulsive decision. Her being born a chestnut was a great thing for me 🙂
From Denise Benkel Burrell: This is my OTTB Black Magic Merlyn. He came with the name Merlyn (which i am facinated with the Authurian legend) but I needed more of a show name. Since he was jet black when I got him and I also love me some heavy metal music, lol, the name Black Magic Merlyn came to be. Here he is being his namesake.
From Allison Mitkowski: Magni also known as Tigger came with these names when I bought him for $1. In Norse Mythology Magni was the son of the god Thor and very powerful himself. Tigger, being a Norwegian fjord seemed to fit this name very well strong, powerful, godlike. It was perfect. For a long time we thought he was named Tigger for his characteristic zebra stripes and dorsal stripe. One day in the indoor it started raining on the roof. We found out the real reason he was named Tigger. He hopped. Yep, all four feet straight off the ground bouncing around the arena. Another perfect fit. No matter what his name is Tigger is one of the best ponies having done everything from meter jumpers to bridelelss demos and even barrel racing. He is now a lesson pony and still my best friend.
Judi Kuhl: I have an off-track Thoroughbred that I re-named with the barn-name “Irie”, as in, “Irie, mon’,” a Jamaican greeting intending to wish someone a state of well-being, because that is what I wish for him everyday. His show name is “Iron Butterfly” because he represents all that is both strong and fragile in a horse. 🙂
Check out all of the terrific entries on Kentucky Performance Products’ Facebook page.
Thanks for hosting such a fun contest, Kentucky Performance Products! Go KPP, and Go Riding!
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