‘Oh Crap’ Monday: Gender … Reveal?

Before you saddle up, you might want to make sure you grab the right horse. Just sayin’.

Monday already is the crappiest day of the week, so it only makes sense that we make things official. Here’s our latest “oh crap” moment.

If ever there were an “oh crap” moment, it might be when the rider grabs the two-year-old unbacked colt instead of the well-started three-year-old filly.

This post on social seems to have taken the internet by storm. It’s been shared widely across Facebook as well as a number of other platforms. If it’s not an “oh crap” moment, we’re not quite sure what is. This rider apparently grabbed the wrong young horse. Rather than grabbing a “poster-child” three year old, apparently he grabbed an unbacked two year old.


Fortunately, everyone lived to tell the tale, but the poor two year old had never had a saddle on, but now he lopes circles! Check out this post for the full report:

We’re glad everyone was okay. This could have ended very… very badly.

Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation.

Have an “Oh Crap” moment to share? Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to [email protected]. Instagram users, tag your moments with #OhCrapMonday (your photos need to be set to public or we won’t see them!).