Gibson and the Apocalypse: On The Bright Side
If life seems jolly rotten, there’s something you’ve forgotten.
Gibson’s always been the optimist of his herd. Not only does he make the best of any bad situation, but also it’s often up for debate whether or not he even realizes that he’s in a bad situation to begin with.
I’m far from a pessimist myself, but experiencing the global collapse of civilization has pushed me more towards the realist side of things, as opposed to the rosy world view that Gibson sees. Maybe I would be a bit less jaded if I looked at things from his….perspective.
At least all those No-Stirrup Novembers are paying off.
Jenny Kammerer is a professional artist, video producer and frustrated Philadelphia sports fan who’s been in the saddle since the age of four. When she was 16, she met her Paint/QH/Draft cross Gibson (aka Guitar Solo) as a green two-year-old, and quickly settled into the training side of equestrianism, drawing inspiration from the techniques of Pat Parelli and other natural horsemanship teachers. Known for most of her childhood as both the awkward artsy one and the weird horse girl, she always seemed destined to draw nonsensical horse cartoons. In addition to her independent illustration work, she currently teaches painting classes at Painting With A Twist and produces short-form documentaries that can be seen on www.Horse.TV. You can follow her personal art projects and stay up-to-date on Gibson and the Apocalypse on Instagram: @JennyKammArt