Watch This: Backcountry Camping by Draft
Titled “8 horses, 5 cowboys, and an ass.” That does pretty much sum it up.
Winter camping certainly isn’t for everyone: it requires good equipment, careful planning and the willingness to put up with a little bit of discomfort. But if the backdrop views in this video are any indicator, winter camping is well worth all of that extra effort.
This video comes from the backcountry of Idaho, featuring a tenacious crew of cowboys with eight gorgeous roan drafts (a team of reds and a team of blues) drawing their camping supplies (and plenty of hay to keep those big horses warm!) out into the mountains for the ultimate overnight experience. According to video comments, the big sleds stopped every few hundred yards to let the horses catch their breath and rest, as drawing that weight through the snow is tough work!
8 horses, 5 cowboys, and an ass
This is a video I put together of our winter camping trip from a few weeks back. If you enjoy it please hit that SHARE button!!!Happy New YearPlease watch in HD!!
Posted by Ranch Hand Photography on Wednesday, January 2, 2019
For those of us willing to put in the extra effort and can tolerate being without the comforts of home, the reward — and the views — are more than enough payoff.
Go driving!
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