World Equestrian Brands Drone Cam: Splish Splash
Push winter’s chill to the back of your mind and rewind back to a hot summer’s day in this week’s drone cam…
Since moving to the Willamette Valley in Oregon, I’ve really come to appreciate a good swimming hole. A place with a good point of entry, some shallower areas, perfect for lounging, and a spot deep enough to completely submerge oneself is priceless. The frigid river water has an energizing effect, especially on the sweltering hot summer days. Add a water-loving horse to the mix and you’ve got yourself a little slice of heaven.
If the seemingly endless darkness and cold of winter is making you long for the days where you can escape the heat by plunging into your favorite swimming hole, take a second to live vicariously through this rider and her beautiful grey…
Go World Equestrian Brands, and go riding!
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