10 #EquestrianProblems According to Twitter
Because brevity will always be the soul of wit.
I realize that a common complaint with Twitter is that people “just don’t get it” but you don’t need to have a Twitter account to appreciate these tweets: the forced brevity that comes with only having 280 characters to express yourself is funny no matter if you know how Twitter works or are totally mystified trying to figure out why it even exists. This is why it exists: so we can express our #equestrianproblems.
How do I afford my rock n roll lifestyle?
(Rock n roll lifestyle = multiple riding lessons per week)#EquestrianProblems
— Leslie (@LeslieInLex) October 18, 2018
Apparently I walk a LOT at horse shows, LOL… For horse people this,probably isn't new news.#Horses #horseshow #EquestrianLife #EquestrianProblems #Athlete #professional #outdoors #sports #Iworkout #getmoving #healthy pic.twitter.com/o24K4QZQ7m
— On The Line Equestrian (@otlequestrian) October 21, 2018
Literally just checked over my nephew like a horse. he was limping and I felt his ankle for heat. He is lame on his left hind. ?? #equestrianproblems #equestrianaunt
— Lou ? (@louiewags) October 25, 2018
Every time I put a bale of hay out I end up finding hay down my shirt/bra for literally the entire day after ?♀️ #equestrianproblems
— Lucy Saxon (@Lucy_Saxon) October 26, 2018
Equestrian Problem: finding shavings in pockets of jeans that have never been to the barn. #equestrianproblems #howdoesthishappen #horsegirlproblems
— Jayme Landry Nault (@JaymeLandry) October 29, 2018
My family's reaction as I drive off with an empty horse trailer… lets welcome my new mare to the family! #equestrianproblems #familyofequestriansproblems #shessopretty pic.twitter.com/FDPBg6JiIm
— Brittany D (@Ride_Jump_Show) November 6, 2018
No Stirrups November will either give me rock hard abs or be the death of me. But for now, EVERYTHING HURTS.#equestrianproblems
— Pam Vigo (@vigoandjones) November 9, 2018
When your horse has been in for a week bc of rain decides that airs above ground will really spice up a flat school #EquestrianProblems pic.twitter.com/9LOh3qfYmI
— LA_Equestrian (@EquestrianLa) November 12, 2018
I just suggested that my friend break up with her Farrier by only responding to him with Rage Against the Machine quotes. #equestrianProblems #farrierLife #itsNotMeItsYou
— Reise (@itsReise) November 14, 2018
I had a near-death experience when I almost fell out of the hayloft tonight and now I'm really inspired to live my life to the fullest.
(By "almost fell out of the hayloft" I mean "had to go up in the hayloft at all.")#equestrianproblems
— Leslie (@LeslieInLex) November 15, 2018
Oh yes, we’ve all been there. Got a funny tweet to share? Follow us at @horse_nation!
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