11 #EquestrianProblems According to Twitter
Because brevity will always be the soul of wit.
I realize that a common complaint with Twitter is that people “just don’t get it” but you don’t need to have a Twitter account to appreciate these tweets: the forced brevity that comes with only having 280 characters to express yourself is funny no matter if you know how Twitter works or are totally mystified trying to figure out why it even exists. This is why it exists: so we can express our #equestrianproblems.
My most favorite game to play at horse shows is called: “Where the h*** did I just put my hairnet???”
It’s so much fun I play it multiple times a day! #EquestrianProblems #IHaveMultipleHairnets #StillCantFindOne @HORSE_NATION
— Rachael (@propspony) September 23, 2018
Tired of it being so humid the horses' salt blocks dissolve in puddles of their own making. Not to mention taking a walking shower, fully clothed, in your own sweat. #equestrian #equestrianproblems #toofinghumid
— Emily Lyman (@em_lyman) September 24, 2018
If you're wondering what being a horse mom is like, Lil bit my butt and then tried to bite my face this morning because I apparently didn't feed her fast enough. #EquestrianProblems
— Shannon Kelly (@Shannon__Renae) September 26, 2018
*Wants to add colour to all tan breeches collection.
Adds black breeches.*#equestrianproblems— UniversityCatchRider (@UniversityEq) September 30, 2018
If I take even half as good of care of myself as I do my horse, I'd look freaking fantastic. #justsaying #equestrianproblems
— that_crazy_eventer (@heidenreich17) October 4, 2018
Merrily planning training and competition diary for Ozzie & Blue. By my calculations I just need approximately one lottery win to pay for it all. Champagne ambition, beer budget ? #equestrianproblems
— Nicki Strong (@HSEquestrian) October 7, 2018
Those solar marks when you've over filled your water bucket and spilt a bit with every step from.the tap to the stable! #equestrianproblems pic.twitter.com/zrfnlSAl2b
— Natalie Reed (@Horseyculture) October 8, 2018
Why don't stirrup leathers come with more than 10 holes in them? Why aren't the holes farther up? Is there anyone in the history of stirrups who has used the last hole on standard leathers?
Yeah I know there are real problems in the world but there are also #equestrianproblems
— Leslie in Heck (@LeslieInLex) October 8, 2018
Nothing quite like trying to scratch off dried icthammol off your fingers #equestrianproblems #weargloveskids
— gremlyn08 (@gremlyn08) October 9, 2018
Reached into my bag to grab a pen.
Not a pen. ?♀️ #equestrianproblems #alwayscarryahoofpick pic.twitter.com/QelBjxxYiH
— Nikki Hodgson (OIA) (@NikkiOIAsustain) October 16, 2018
Well, it finally happened. I took a hoof pick to the face when my horse spooked as I was picking his hooves. ??♀️ But hey, better that than getting kicked in the head! #CountingBlessings #ThereWasStillBloodThough #EquestrianProblems #HorseLife
— Shannon Kelly (@Shannon__Renae) October 17, 2018
Oh yes, we’ve all been there. Got a funny tweet to share? Follow us at @horse_nation!
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