SmartPak Monday Morning Feed: Remembering Tuffy
You’re going to want to grab some tissues for this one.
SmartPak is truly a company of horse lovers, for horse lovers — so when customers send in feedback and messages, they can rest assured that it’s a horse person on the other end of the line receiving their words.
That’s why, when SmartPak fan Linda sent in a photo of her recently-passed horse Tuffy, who had been a SmartPak customer for a long time, plus a poem written from Tuffy’s perspective, the SmartPak staff was moved. They decided to create their own video with some of the SmartPakers reading Tuffy’s poem, alongside their own horses.
Grab some tissues — this is your official warning.
SNIFF. Tuffy sounds like a lucky horse to have spent so many years with Linda, and Linda sounds like a lucky lady to have spent so many years with Tuffy. What a beautiful poem, and well-read by the SmartPakers.
Go hug your horses.
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