Thoroughbred Incentive Program September Youth Ambassador
Meet Samantha Fogg!
T.I.P. presents September’s featured Youth Ambassador: Samantha Fogg. Samantha, 17 is from Missouri. Samantha and her Thoroughbred, Cona, participate in Eventing, Dressage, and Jumpers. Samantha participates in USPC and also competed as team captain in many USPC events. She is a third generation equestrian and has been riding her entire life.
Samantha Fogg (17, MO)
- Registered Jockey Club Name: Nacona
- Show Name: Nacona
- Barn Name: Cona
How did you start riding?
I am a third generation equestrian. My grandma’s love for horses carried down to my mom and eventually to me. I have been lucky enough to have horses in my back yard my whole life.
What is your favorite thing about riding/or your horse?
It is hard to narrow this question down to one answer because I love everything about my sport and my horse. I enjoy the thrill of riding and I enjoy my horse’s personality. He is super cute.
What would you like to do when you are older?
When I grow up, I would like to have a career with horses. In order to make money to help with initial investment and support myself (along with training, lessons, and competing) I plan to learn computer programming. I would also like to rescue animals and adopt them into good homes.
Tell us your favorite quote and why:
My favorite quote is, “The color of your ribbon says very little about your capabilities as a horsewoman, but the happiness of your horse says everything.” -Unknown. Of course, I (as does everyone else) go into a competition with my eyes on the prize. Everyone would like to win something while competing, but it isn’t always about that. It is about the experience. At every event I make sure my horse still enjoys himself. Most of the time he will always have his ears pricked forward with big googley eyes and you can tell he knows and loves his job.
What do you think the most important aspects of horsemanship are?
The most important aspect of horsemanship is to put your horse before the course and to develop a bond through groundwork. This somewhat ties back to the quote question. At a show this past summer, Cona and I were in first place after dressage in an open training division. This was a big deal for us because we were never great at dressage, but during that show we managed to give it our all. Unfortunately, we knocked a rail in stadium moving us down to second place, but it was one of our best training level rounds ever. Cross-country was the last phase, and we had the chance to move back into first. We both knew we could do it, but I was concerned about the gravel footing in one area so I took the time penalties and finished the show in second place. We were so close to winning, but I knew that my horse being healthy, sound, and happy are what matters most to me. Also, if you watch all of my cross country videos, you will always see me pat my horses’ neck at least once (usually my left hand). It has gotten to be a habit now, and that is the one habit I am willing to keep. I think that helps our relationship on course and it gives him confidence and shows that I am happy with him. I have to say the reason we have gotten to be a pretty good team is through all the things I do with him on the ground at home and away.
More Fun Facts
How many pets do you have (and what kind)?
I currently have five horses and four cats (two indoor and two outdoor)
What is your favorite animal (apart from a horse)?
I have never really thought about this. I love all animals!
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is blue. My favorite color combination is blue and white hence my cross country colors, which were inspired by Secretariat.
What is your favorite food?
What is something unique about you?
My eyebrows are very expressive.
What is one word that your friends would describe you as?
What is one thing you would like to tell people about Thoroughbreds or the Thoroughbred Incentive Program?
Thoroughbreds will put their heart and soul into their work if they enjoy what they do and they have a formed bond with their person. Ground work is extremely important to building trust and creating a bond. I am a huge fan of the breed and am honored to have been selected as a T.I.P. Youth Ambassador.
What are your goals for your horse in 2018?
My goals for 2018 include solidifying our training level eventing and potentially moving up to preliminary. I also want to improve our dressage and continue our ground work.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
My grandmother, mother, and I have compete at the same shows. My grandmother mostly rides for pleasure now, but my mom still competes at dressage shows and events with me. I am a member of the Mission Valley Pony Club. I currently have my C-2 Rating and would like to rate up in the future. I am lucky enough to have several great coaches that cheer me on and see me succeed. I am also a working student for Dorothy Crowell who had great success with her OTTB Molokai. With him she made two Olympic teams, won silver medal at the World Equestrian Games, and won the initial US 4 Star Championships at the Rolex KY 3 Day.
The Thoroughbred Incentive Program was created by The Jockey Club to encourage second careers for Thoroughbreds when their racing days are over. The T.I.P. sponsors Thoroughbred-only classes and high point awards as well as Performance Awards, special year-end awards specifically for Thoroughbreds. The T.I.P. also recognizes non-competing Thoroughbreds through its Young Rider program as well as a special award for Thoroughbreds in careers such as therapy horses or other non-profit outlets.
To learn more about the Thoroughbred Incentive Program, please visit the organization’s website.
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